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iptables forward chain 2020 (4)



packettracer-file: fwv004-dnat-router

  1. config voor forwarding ssh naar web 101 only
    #! /bin/bash
    #  iptables-script 
    #  bvdb  ( 29/04/2020 ) (v005)
    #  here follows the script ....1
    # v = verbose, X = flush tables, F = delete non standard chains
    # general
    iptables -vX
    iptables -vF
    # nat and masquerading -t refers to table
    iptables -vt nat -F
    iptables -vt nat -X
    # mangling TCP header
    iptables -vt mangle -F
    iptables -vt mangle -X
    # reset policies -P refers to policies
    # iptables -vP INPUT ACCEPT ## we are going to close the INPUT CHAIN
    iptables -vP OUTPUT ACCEPT
    #iptables -vP FORWARD ACCEPT
    # turn off routing
    # echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
    ###################### iptables is nu cleared ####
    # turn on routing
    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
    ###### Dit is heel belangrijk in je script -- 
    ###### dan zie je wat je aan het doen bent:
    ##>> my network interfaces: enp0s3 = >> buiten
    ##>> my network interfaces: enp0s8 = >> DMZ (binnen)
    ### implement NAT routing
    ## NAT routing - enp0s3 is buiten en een unprotected network
    #  het ip address aan de buitenkant van onze firewall is (outside address)
    iptables -vt nat -A POSTROUTING -o enp0s3 -j SNAT --to
    ### implement INPUT filtering
    ## INPUT chain lo + ports 10022
    iptables -vP INPUT DROP
    iptables -vA INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
    iptables -vA INPUT -p TCP --dport 10022 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -vA INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
    #### Destination NAT -
    iptables -vP FORWARD DROP
    ## destination forward ports
    iptables -vA FORWARD -p TCP --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -vA FORWARD -p TCP --dport 10122 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -vA FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
    ## port 10122 >> web101:22 (ssh)
    iptables -vt nat -A PREROUTING -p TCP --dport 10122 -j DNAT --to
    ###################### iptables is nu ingesteld ####
    ### PRINT iptables configuration
    echo ">>>>> iptables -n -L"
    iptables -n -L
    echo "--------------"
    echo ">>>>> iptables -S"
    iptables -S 
    echo "--------------"
    echo ">>>>> iptables -t nat -L"
    iptables -t nat -L
    echo "--------------"
    echo ">>>>> iptables -t mangle -L"
    iptables -t mangle -L
    echo "--------------"
    echo "routing set: " `cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward`
    echo "=============="


  2. config voor forwarding ssh/http naar web101 en web102
    #! /bin/bash
    #  iptables-script 
    #  bvdb  ( 29/04/2020 ) (v005)
    #  here follows the script ....1
    # v = verbose, X = flush tables, F = delete non standard chains
    # general
    iptables -vX
    iptables -vF
    # nat and masquerading -t refers to table
    iptables -vt nat -F
    iptables -vt nat -X
    # mangling TCP header
    iptables -vt mangle -F
    iptables -vt mangle -X
    # reset policies -P refers to policies
    # iptables -vP INPUT ACCEPT ## we are going to close the INPUT CHAIN
    iptables -vP OUTPUT ACCEPT
    #iptables -vP FORWARD ACCEPT
    # turn off routing
    # echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
    ###################### iptables is nu cleared ####
    # turn on routing
    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
    ###### Dit is heel belangrijk in je script -- 
    ###### dan zie je wat je aan het doen bent:
    ##>> my network interfaces: enp0s3 = >> buiten
    ##>> my network interfaces: enp0s8 = >> DMZ (binnen)
    ### implement NAT routing
    ## NAT routing - enp0s3 is buiten en een unprotected network
    #  het ip address aan de buitenkant van onze firewall is (outside address)
    iptables -vt nat -A POSTROUTING -o enp0s3 -j SNAT --to
    ### implement INPUT filtering
    ## INPUT chain lo + ports 10022
    iptables -vP INPUT DROP
    iptables -vA INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
    iptables -vA INPUT -p TCP --dport 10022 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -vA INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
    #### Destination NAT -
    iptables -vP FORWARD DROP
    ## destination forward ports
    iptables -vA FORWARD -p TCP --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -vA FORWARD -p TCP --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -vA FORWARD -p TCP --dport 10122 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -vA FORWARD -p TCP --dport 10322 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -vA FORWARD -p TCP --dport 8081 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -vA FORWARD -p TCP --dport 8083 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -vA FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
    ## port 10122 >> web101:22 (ssh)
    iptables -vt nat -A PREROUTING -p TCP --dport 10122 -j DNAT --to
    ## port 10322 >> web103:22 (ssh)
    iptables -vt nat -A PREROUTING -p TCP --dport 10322 -j DNAT --to
    ## port 8081 >> web101:80 (http)
    iptables -vt nat -A PREROUTING -p TCP --dport 8081 -j DNAT --to
    ## port 8083 >> web103:80 (http)
    iptables -vt nat -A PREROUTING -p TCP --dport 8083 -j DNAT --to
    ###################### iptables is nu ingesteld ####
    ### PRINT iptables configuration
    echo ">>>>> iptables -n -L"
    iptables -n -L
    echo "--------------"
    echo ">>>>> iptables -S"
    iptables -S 
    echo "--------------"
    echo ">>>>> iptables -t nat -L"
    iptables -t nat -L
    echo "--------------"
    echo ">>>>> iptables -t mangle -L"
    iptables -t mangle -L
    echo "--------------"
    echo "routing set: " `cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward`